Nicolas Lascourrèges


Documentary, Youth


Nicolas embarked on his artistic journey with a literary baccalauréat that ignited his passion for the cinematic arts, leading him to pursue a degree in film at the prestigious Université Paris 8. It was within the walls of the university library that he first encountered the captivating world of photography, immersing himself in the works of influential figures such as Tendance Floue, Sarah Moon, Michael Ackerman, and Bernard Faucon. His artistic vision elegantly bridges the realms of intimate portraiture and documentary storytelling, as he meticulously crafts a visual narrative that reflects his deepest passions. In 2014, Nicolas made a pivotal choice to fully embrace still photography as his primary means of expression, enrolling at the renowned ENS Louis Lumière, from which he graduated in 2017. Since then, he has quickly established himself in the industry, securing his first commissions in both editorial and corporate photography. At the heart of Nicolas's work lies a profound focus on humanity—the subtle exchanges of glances and gestures that reveal the essence of his subjects. In addition to his commissioned projects, Nicolas finds joy in capturing the beauty of his immediate surroundings, particularly the intimate moments shared with his family, adding a deeply personal layer to his artistic portfolio.