A photo, film & video directory


Here you can find the most frequently asked questions.


Visie is where the magic happens for photo, film, and video aficionados. It's a top-tier directory where you can find an array of talent from directors to stylists, all vetted, because we like quality over quantity. It's the backstage pass to your next big project's success.

Accessing Visie costs exactly zero, zip, nada. It’s on the house! Create or claim your profile and strut your stuff without spending a penny. Want the VIP treatment? Our Pro plan adds a little extra sparkle to your portfolio and search visibility, because who doesn’t love a bit of spotlight?

Why Visie? Because we’re not just another platform; we’re your creative soulmate. Built by industry insiders, we’re all about making connections that matter, without the endless scrolling. We are a new platform, but like fine wine, we’re only getting better with time.

Got questions? We’ve got answers! Email us at hello@visie.io. Don't be shy; we're all ears.

Claim Your Profile: Spot your name or your company's name floating around on Visie? Snatch it up! It's free, and once we verify it's really you (no imposters allowed!), you're free to jazz up your profile. Add your latest work, tweak your bio, or post that new headshot where you're looking extra snazzy. Create a New Profile: Not on Visie yet? Let's fix that. Request to create a profile and, after a quick thumbs-up from us, you're in. This is your canvas - fill it with your projects, your passions, and maybe that quote that keeps you firing on all cylinders. Showcase Your Project: Got something that's too good to keep under wraps? Our Showcase feature is all about spotlighting the crème de la crème of creative projects in Australia. If you've got a project that'll make jaws drop, send us the media files and the list of your dream team (cast/crew) to hello@visie.io. We're all about sharing the love and the spotlight.


Everyone’s invited to the Visie party, but there's a bouncer — our approval process. It's here to make sure you’re the real deal, keeping our community top-notch. Don’t worry, it’s quick and painless!

Your privacy is sacred to us. We guard it with our lives (well, almost). Your personal info is locked down tighter than Fort Knox, shared only with your say-so, according to our Privacy Policy.

See something that doesn’t sit right? Be a hero and let us know at hello@visie.io. We’re on it faster than you can say "plot twist!" Your vigilance helps keep Visie a clean, safe space for creativity to flourish.


We're thrilled that you're interested in contributing! Currently, all the content on Visie is curated by our dedicated team, but we strongly encourage professionals like you to share their expertise and talents. Reach out to us at hello@visie.io

Of course! We'd be sad to see you go, but we understand that sometimes it's time to move on. Deleting your Visie account is easy-peasy. Just head over to your account settings, select the option to delete your account, and poof! Farewell, but remember, you're always welcome back with open arms.

Deciding to leave us is like ghosting at a party; you’re gone, but traces of you linger. While your profile vanishes, your past collaborations might still mention your name. Want to disappear without a trace? Drop us a line, and we’ll help you out.

Share new work. Discover new creatives.

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