A photo, film & video directory

Pro Tip - Update your profile

Profile Structure

Your portfolio is made up of 3 sections:

  • Personal Info
  • Portfolio
  • Contacts

Person Info

Profile Pic

Profile Pics make it easier for users to identify you. We suggest using the same picture that you use on Instagram and Linkedin.

Profile Name

Choose the name for your profile


This field is only for Professional Profile. Add your primary profession to communicate your core skillset. You can also add secondary professions to advertise all of your skills.


This field is only for Company profiles. Add your primary service to offer your business core service. You can also add secondary services to market your full offer.


Describe what you can do for others.


Our users search for Professionals and Businesses by their specialisms, aka expertise or experience.


Demonstrate your experience by adding the names of clients you have worked with. 


Add a link to your website so they have a complete picture.


Add your instagram link so that users can see more of you.


You can add your physical address to help clients find your business.


You can identify your primary location as a city that you live and work out of. You can add secondary locations of cities that you are available to work out of.


Easily upload images and videos to your portfolio. Click here for a Pro Tips on updating your Portfolio

Contact Details

Visie allows user to add multiple contacts including agents. Click here for a Pro Tips on updating Contact Details.


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