A photo, film & video directory

Pro Tip - Contact Details

Keeping your contact details up to date is an important part of doing business.

Company Profiles can add

  • Phone number and email to be contacted on.
  • Independent contacts if addition team members should be included

Professional Profiles can add

  • Phone number and email to be contacted on.
  • Independent contacts if addition team members should be included
  • Agents

You must have an agent to use this feature. An invitation to an agent must be accepted before the connection is made. Once the connection is made, your profile and portfolio will appear on their page.

You and the agency can disconnect at any time.

Agency Profiles can add

  • Phone number and email to be contacted on.
  • Independent contacts if addition team members should be included
  • Professionals

You must contact Visie to get access to an Agency Profile. If this relates to you, you are able to connect with Professionals that you already represent by inviting them to connect.

Once you have connected with Professionals, you can manage your connections all together.


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