Sindy Sinn


Sindy Sinn is an illustrator dude, mural artist, heavy metal fan, silly bugger and bottomless pit of rad ideas. Equal parts bold and deranged, his designs have been adapted for all sorts of illustrative branding. From logos and tour merch to murals and everything in between, each with their own loud and fun style and a sense of spontaneous energy. In fact, Sindy’s savage linework, creepy characters and punchy lettering are loved by bands, bars, and awesome brands across the world. Metallica, The Misfits, Mambo, MARYS and many more. And if you get in close enough for a sniff, you’ll find his lingering scent in the hand painted murals of bars, restaurants, offices and tattoo parlours across Australia, New York, Los Angeles and London. He’s the Co-Founder of Snake Eyes Studios – a six-man digital studio located (literally) inside the Young Henrys Brewery in Newtown, Sydney. And while he has a rep for being the loudest guy in the room, his rockstar service and beer-overfloweth attitude makes up for it. His process is furious and professional. He’s a creative machine. Smashing out ideas and turning gritty, hand-drawn concepts into polished, print-ready designs and monstrous murals. He’s ruthless with his time, learns everything there is to know about a brand and throws everything he has at each project. And it’s this energy and professionalism that puts the ‘fuck yeah!’ in each brand collaboration. If he’s not listening to murder podcasts, watching 80’s horror or thrashing along to Slayer, you’ll find him at the pub chugging a beer with a new client, as they fly through the details of their next wild design.