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Video Marketing Strategies For Creatives, By Creators

Video marketing is becoming more and more important in the lives of creatives, especially now with many generations using video as the main influence of purchasing and engagement. 

From omnichannel approaches and community building to viral collaborations and interactive content, these strategies are crucial for boosting self-promotion, increasing brand recognition, and fostering deeper audience engagement.

Educational Video Marketing As a Branding Tool

What is the strategy? 

Educational video marketing focuses on providing value to the audience by sharing knowledge, techniques, and insights related to photography. By positioning yourself as an expert, you not only build trust but also establish themselves as experts in their field. 

This video marketing strategy involves creating tutorials, behind-the-scenes videos, and detailed explanations of techniques, often shared on platforms where you can connect with professional brands and clients.

Key channels 

  • YouTube
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • TikTok
  • Pinterest 

Example of who’s doing this well 

Lara Jade is a prime example of a photographer who has effectively used educational videos to enhance her brand. Through her YouTube channel and dedicated website, Lara Jade Education, she offers a wide range of tutorials, workshops, and courses. 

Her collaboration with B&H Photo Video further amplifies her reach, as she shares expert tips and tricks, solidifying her status as an authority in fashion photography.

Lara Jade with her posing guide

Lara Jade with her posing guide

Celebrity Video Interviews to Expand Audience Reach

What is the strategy? 

This strategy involves using your access to celebrities to create engaging video content. By interviewing the celebrities you work with, you can draw in a broader audience that includes not only photography enthusiasts but also fans of the celebrities. 

These interviews often blend insights into the photography process with personal stories, making them highly relatable and shareable. As a result, you will see more growth in your social media accounts as well as more connection with brands and clients. 

Key channels 

  • YouTube
  • Instagram (IGTV and Reels)
  • Facebook
  • TikTok
  • Dedicated video sections on personal websites

Example of who’s doing this well 

Greg Williams stands out in this area, particularly with his YouTube channel where he conducts candid interviews with celebrities. People are very engaged to see the behind the scenes style work. 

His channel, GWTV, showcases these interviews, allowing viewers to see the behind-the-scenes dynamics of celebrity photoshoots. This not only expands his audience but also deepens his engagement by merging the worlds of photography and celebrity culture.

Gregg Williams talks with Johnny Depp

Gregg Williams talks with Johnny Depp

Storytelling Through Video Documentation

What is the strategy? 

Storytelling in video marketing involves documenting the process behind major photography projects, providing viewers with a narrative that connects the audience to the work on a deeper level. 

This can include the challenges faced, the creative process, and the stories behind individual shots. Such content helps in building an emotional connection with the audience, making your work more memorable, and more meaningful.

Key channels 

  • YouTube
  • Instagram (IGTV and Stories)
  • Website / blog
  • Vimeo 

Example of who’s doing this well 

Joe McNally is a master of storytelling through video documentation. His YouTube channel features in-depth videos that take viewers behind the scenes of his major photography assignments, including his work for National Geographic. 

These videos not only highlight his technical expertise but also his ability to weave compelling narratives that resonate with a global audience. They have excellent engagement and are a clever video marketing strategy. 

Joe McNally, behind the scenes

Joe McNally, behind the scenes

Interactive Live Events Captured on Video

What is the strategy? 

This strategy focuses on capturing live photography events on video, where you engage with the audience in real-time. As an example, these events can range from live shoots to interactive workshops where the audience can ask questions or even participate in the creative process. 

The videos from these events can be used as promotional material, showcasing your skills and ability to connect with your audience. Actually, it’s fantastic marketing in video form that brings together community and hype. 

Key channels 

  • YouTube Live
  • Instagram Live
  • Facebook Live
  • Recorded and edited videos for YouTube 
  • Personal websites
  • Youtube series 

Example of who’s doing this well 

One person who has effectively utilised this strategy is Rankin with his "Rankin Live" events. These live photography sessions are not only interactive for the audience but are also captured and shared on platforms like YouTube, extending their reach beyond the immediate audience. 

Rankin invited members of the public to participate in live portrait sessions. The unique aspect of this project was its immediacy, each portrait was shot, edited, and then displayed in a public gallery setting within just 15 minutes.

Rankin Live, photography event

Rankin Live, photography event

Click-Worthy Video Content to Drive Engagement

What is the strategy? 

This strategy involves creating videos with titles and thumbnails designed to attract clicks. The content often includes elements of surprise, humour, or controversy to entice viewers. 

While the initial draw might be the "clickbait" aspect, the actual content must deliver value to retain the audience and encourage them to explore more of your work. This is especially effective on Youtube which allows for you to create thumbnails. 

Key channels 

  • YouTube
  • Sometimes Instagram 
  • Sometimes TikTok 

Example of who’s doing this well 

Jessica Kobeissi has mastered the art of creating click-worthy content that delivers on its promise. Her YouTube channel is filled with videos that have eye-catching titles and thumbnails, which pull viewers in. 

However, once inside, viewers find valuable insights and high-quality photography content, making them likely to return for more. This is a very impressive video marketing strategy to keep users engaged. 

Jessica Kobeissi with curious videos

Jessica Kobeissi with curious videos

Building a Narrative With Recurring Video Series

What is the strategy? 

To achieve this video marketing strategy, you need to be creating a recurring video series that develops a narrative over time. This encourages viewers to return for subsequent episodes. 

The series can focus on a specific theme, such as a particular style of photography, a long-term project, or even a sequence of interviews. Consistency in posting and maintaining the quality of content are key to building yourself a loyal audience.

Key channels 

  • YouTube (for episodic content)
  • Instagram (for serialised IGTV content)
  • TikTok

Example of who’s doing this well 

Mario Testino exemplifies this approach with his "Under the Towel" series. This recurring video series offers a unique look at the celebrities featured in his iconic Towel Series photographs. The continuity of the series, combined with Testino’s reputation, keeps viewers engaged and looking forward to the next instalment.

Mario Testino "Under The Towel" series 

Mario Testino "Under The Towel" series 

Collaborative Videos with High-Profile Brands

What is the strategy? 

Photographers collaborate with high-profile brands to create video content that benefits both parties. The brands provide a platform and reach, while you contribute your expertise and creativity. 

These collaborations can include sponsored tutorials, behind-the-scenes videos, or product reviews, and are often positioned to appeal to both you and the brand’s audience.

Key channels 

  • YouTube (sponsored content)
  • Brand websites
  • Social media platforms of both the photographer and the brand

Example of who’s doing this well 

Tyler Mitchell has successfully used this strategy through collaborations with brands like MasterClass and Criterion. These collaborations have resulted in high-quality video content that not only showcases his photographic style but also aligns with the brand's image, thereby reaching a broader and more diverse audience.

Tyler Mitchell with MasterClass

Tyler Mitchell with MasterClass

Short-Form Content for Personal Branding

What is the strategy? 

Short-form video content is used to reinforce your personal brand on social media platforms. These videos are typically under a minute and are designed to be consumed quickly. 

They often include snippets from photo shoots, quick tips, or personal moments that help humanise you as the photographer, and make them more relatable to your audience.

Key channels 

  • Instagram Stories and Reels
  • TikTok
  • Snapchat
  • Facebook Stories
  • Pinterest 

Example of who’s doing this well 

Alex Strohl excels at using short-form content to build his personal brand. His Instagram Stories, in particular, are a mix of travel photography, behind-the-scenes footage, and personal reflections, all of which help to create a consistent and engaging narrative that resonates with his followers.

Alex Strohl personal instagram

Alex Strohl personal instagram

Leveraging TikTok to Capture New Demographics

What is the strategy? 

This strategy focuses on using TikTok to reach a younger, more diverse audience. You can create content that aligns with TikTok's fast-paced, trend-driven environment. 

To make this video marketing strategy effective, you can often experiment with new styles and formats. The goal is to capture the attention of users who might not be familiar with your work and convert them into followers.

Key channels 

  • TikTok (primary platform)

Example of who’s doing this well 

Chris Hau has effectively tapped into TikTok's potential, creating content that is both trendy and informative. His videos often include tips and tricks for photographers, presented in a way that is accessible and engaging for TikTok’s younger audience, helping him to grow a new fan base while staying relevant.

Chris Hau on TikTok 

Chris Hau on TikTok 

Final Thoughts…

For those of you looking to enhance your own visibility and influence, these video marketing strategies offer valuable insights which you can adopt and learn from. While it's essential to draw inspiration from the experts we have mentioned, it's equally important to adapt these approaches to fit your unique style and audience.

Whether you’re sharing quick tips on TikTok, documenting your creative process on YouTube, or collaborating with high-profile brands, the key lies in finding the right balance between creativity, value, and engagement.

Consistency and authenticity are crucial elements in video marketing. Regularly producing content that resonates with your audience will help you build a loyal following, while staying true to your personal brand ensures that your content feels genuine and relatable.

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