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How To Implement AI In Your Digital Marketing Strategy

AI is the new marketing buzzword right now - it seems it's all that anyone can talk about this year. But, the one sure thing about AI is that it will change many industries in a big way (and already has), and marketing is no exception. 

That is why it is so important to stay on top of the latest AI tools so that you don’t fall behind your competitors. Here at VISIE, we are firm believers that you shouldn’t stay loyal to traditional methods if they aren’t the best use of your time and energy. 

We’ve compiled a list of how we use AI in our digital marketing strategy to save us time and get us better results. Hopefully this helps to keep you in the loop, and inspires you to think of unique ways to use AI. The future is here!

Using AI In Your Audience Strategy 

Creating a customer avatar with AI on your audience 

AI is amazing at helping you create a quick, fairly accurate customer avatar for your business. As a quick recap, a customer avatar is a detailed profile that represents your ideal customer, including their demographics, behaviours, goals, pain points, and buying habits.

Using tools such as ChatGPT you can quickly gain insights into the right target audience based on the industry you are in. This can help you brainstorm quite accurately about who is going to be buying or using your product or service. 

Now, where this works best is actually when you take the generalised avatar AI creates and then make it more specific to your brand by changing it and making it more tailored towards your product or service. 

Then, combined with your expert knowledge, you can put your buyer persona back into AI to enhance it further utilise your expertise and experience, helping train the AI to enhance your avatar more. 

Finding trends around your audience based on your data 

Data is liquid gold when it comes to understanding your audience, but it can be time consuming to analyse. That’s where AI can really help. 

If you have a bank of user data that you just haven’t had a chance to look into, AI can give you unique insights beyond what an excel graph could show you. It can identify patterns in your data and even organise it into customer segments. And we all know, the more accurate your customer segments, the better your conversion will be. 

Breaking your audience up into segments to market too 

One amazing technique that implements AI in your audience strategy is using it to create segments in your audience to find niche groups to target too. This can help you understand certain areas of your audience that might be more engaged, or have a higher conversion rate. 

With this information, you can then create a separate marketing strategy around this audience segment. For example, a great example of this would be the Nike Pro Hijab campaign. 

They found a super niche segment of their audience that were already buying their products, and decided to create an entire product around them. 

Using AI To Enhance Your Messaging

Once you have a better idea of who you’re talking to (your audience), AI can also help you with what you’re going to say (message). Crafting the perfect message often takes loads of trial and error, right? You've probably got a pretty good idea of what resonates with your audience, but wouldn't it be great to have some data-driven insights to back it up?

AI can be used to make your messaging more emotional 

Not all of us are skilled in copywriting, and that’s ok. Sometimes, your messaging might just be lacking that emotional touch to trigger your audience a little bit more. Well, now AI can help you enhance your emotion in your messaging. 

Simply use a tool like ChatGPT to paste in your original messaging, and ask AI to enhance it by making it more emotional. 

Pro tip - Ask AI to generate multiple variations and then choose the best one from there.

You can use AI to create & include your unique value propositions 

Your messaging might be focusing on you too much, and not enough about the end customer. Well, here’s where you can use AI to switch that back around. Not only can AI help you create a unique value proposition, but then it can help you include it in your messaging. 

Similar to above, you can copy and paste your messaging into an AI tool like ChatGPT and ask it to restructure your messaging to focus more on your unique selling proposition. 

Pro tip - Sometimes this might need you to work together until you can find the right messaging. Test different prompts to get different outcomes and variations. 

Use data with AI to find patterns in the best performing messages

One very effective way to improve your marketing results is to actually collect data on your current messaging performance. You can do this in paid channels such as Google ads, Facebook ads and LinkedIn ads. You can also get data for your organic search channels in Google Search Console. 

With this data, you should be able to see which headlines are getting the best metrics such as click through rates, engagement rates, conversions rates, sales etc. 

Then, you can feed this data to AI like ChatGPT and ask it to quickly analyse which are the best performing headlines, and find trends in which messaging is working best for you. 

Pro tip - Once you have this information, you can ask AI to create different variations of your best performing headlines then split test these against your original ones. 

AI messaging is best enhanced with a human touch 

It’s worth noting that messaging with AI is only as good as your original prompts. We have found that performance is best enhanced with original human messaging. For example, you create the first messaging then get AI to enhance it. 

Or you get AI to create the first messaging, then you enhance it as a human to make it sound aligned with your brand and marketing strategy. 

AI For Ideas In Content Marketing 

AI can help you generate ideas on what content your audience wants  

AI can be a valuable tool in the ideation phase of content creation. AI can suggest potential content topics that align with your business objectives. 

In simple terms, use AI to brainstorm different content pieces you can create that will resonate well with your audience. This can help you bring together a full content marketing strategy across all channels e.g. Social media, SEO, Ads, email marketing. 

The key here is context: the AI you use is only as good as the information you provide it. If you ask for “10 good content ideas for a clothing store,” absolutely, you will be recommended generic and boring ideas. This is why we make sure to provide customer segment information or user data, company background and general goals (eg. increase engagement).

With sufficient context, AI can be used as a starting point for brainstorming, generating a list of potential ideas that you can then refine and expand upon based on your expertise.

Optimising existing content performance

AI can help you create and test different content variations to identify what resonates best with your audience. By using AI-powered tools, you can easily generate multiple versions of your content, such as social media posts, blog articles, or email campaigns. This allows you to experiment with different messaging, visuals, and calls to action.

For example, AI can be used to create variations of your Facebook ad creatives, testing different headlines, images, and ad copy. Similarly, image generation tools can produce diverse visual options to accompany your content. By analysing the performance of these variations, you can identify the most effective elements and refine your content accordingly.

Personalising the user experience

There are some fantastic AI-powered tools on the market that create a personalised experience for every visitor to your website. 

These tools analyse user behaviour to tailor a website experience to the individual. Through the use of machine learning algorithms, websites can dynamically display content that is most relevant to each visitor. For example, on VISIE, we use an AI-powered tool that changes featured portfolios based on previous activity. This allows for a more seamless and efficient user experience. 

A personalised website approach can significantly enhance user engagement and drive conversions by reducing friction. 

Channel & Cadence With AI To Choose Right Areas 

Using AI to suggest what channel your audience is going to be most active on 

As always, AI can give you a fairly accurate idea of where your audience is going to be most active. We are always looking at the best ways we can reach our customers, and sometimes we look past the obvious ones. 

AI can remind you of exactly what channels you should be marketing too, and where your audience might be most active on. Combined with the content marketing strategy above, this is killer in your marketing campaigns. 

Pro tip - Create outlines, spreadsheets and even graphs to help visual the best channels for you to start investing your money into. 

Finding out how often you should post on these channels

Content schedules are tricky because they are so unique to your brand - the unique combination of channel, audience and preferences that combine to determine if your post will succeed or fail. 

Good news is that AI can help here, too. AI can analyse your historical performance data to determine the best posting frequency for each channel. By examining metrics such as engagement, reach, and conversions, AI can identify patterns and trends to optimise your posting schedule. 

Additionally, AI can consider factors like audience time zones and online behaviour to suggest the best times to post your content.

By leveraging AI, you can make data-driven decisions about your content distribution strategy, increasing the likelihood of reaching your target audience with the right message at the right time.


Overall, if you are not using AI in your marketing strategy you are going to be falling behind. There are so many benefits for incorporating AI in your digital marketing from speed, accuracy, enhancement and more. 

We’ve covered only a few areas that we find the most effective and important to implement AI in, although there are plenty of others that many brands are likely already using. 

AI is going to become more and more prevalent in marketing strategies of the future and as AI develops and improves, the accuracy will get better and become more effective for the users as well.

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